Sistine Research is owned by CryptoStackers LLC, a cryptocurrency media company.
CryptoStackers LLC does not provide individually tailored investment advice and does not take anyone’s circumstances into consideration when discussing investments, nor is CryptoStackers LLC registered as an investment adviser or broker-dealer in any jurisdiction.
Information from CryptoStackers LLC is not an offer or solicitation to buy, hold, or sell any security or crypto asset. The CryptoStackers team is currently invested in various blockchain projects as listed below.
Ethereum (ETH)
Polygon (MATIC)
Solana (SOL)
Avalanche (AVAX)
Nano (XNO)
Quant Network (QNT)
Zed Run
Trump Trading Cards
Additional (very small) positions include:
Synapse (SYN)
Alpha Finance (ALPHA)
Perpetual Protocol (PERP)
Looksrare (LOOKS)
Sistine Research may receive compensation from the use of affiliate sign up links from Bybit, GMX, and gTrade.