Mad Lads Mint

Mad Lads Mint

Mad Lads Mint Guide | Date: April 20, 7pm EST | Cost 6.9 SOL

See this research post for the reasoning behind minting Mad Lads. Below are mint details, instructions, and tips to maximize your chances of minting a Mad Lad.

This is expected to be an extremely competitive mint that will likely sell out in seconds to minutes.

In order to have a decent chance at minting one:

  1. Be ready at your computer (desktop, can’t mint on mobile) at least 5 minutes before mint (7pm EST)
  2. Have your Backpack wallet browser extension open and ready with at least 7 SOL in it.
  3. To keep up with any potential delays and to keep an eye out for clues for the mint riddle, follow and turn on Twitter notifications for:
  1. Also join the Mad Lads Discord and tune into the #announcements channel for official announcements.

Once it’s time to mint, you will be able to access the mint page through the top banner in the collectibles tab of your Backpack wallet:


Assuming the public mint follows the same process as the whitelist mint, once the mint begins a chat bot will appear:


In order to unlock the mint page, you will have to respond to the chat bot with the correct responses. This is to prevent bots from minting all the NFTs.

For the whitelist mint the following dialogue worked to unlock the mint page:

Chat bot: gm

You: gm

Chat bot: How are you feeling today

You: Angry

*Mint unlocked*

A few minutes after the mint went live, Mad Armani tweeted this out…

…which was the clue to unlock the mint page. This is why it’s important to follow him and keep notifications on.

Apparently the response “focking mad” also worked to unlock the mint page.

Here are a few Mad Lads community catch phrases and terms that could potentially be responses that unlock the mint page.

  • WAO or “We are one”
  • Rug
  • Focking Mad
  • BackPack
  • xNFT
  • Lads or Mad Lads
  • Mad King

Everything above is speculation. They could throw a curve ball and change the process completely. This will be a difficult mint to get, so don’t be too disappointed if you do not get one.

The following are (unverified) secondary market links for Mad Lads:

For advanced users only:

If you want to increase your chances of minting successfully you can follow this guide to switch to a private RPC Endpoint with a free Alchemy account.

Using a private RPC endpoint has many benefits including speed, accurate data, more reliable service, and less competition when submitting transactions during periods of high transaction volumes like an exclusive NFT drop.