TradingView Indicator Tutorials

TradingView Indicator Tutorials

Predictive Indicators Package

The CryptoStackers Predictive Indicators Package includes 4 proprietary indicators that make technical analysis simple. Identify the strongest levels of support and resistance ahead of time with leading (not lagging) predictive indicators.

Learn how to isolate and understand market incentives and make decisions with confidence, no longer second guessing yourself.

Conveniently access the indicators directly from your TradingView account after sign-up.

Margin Pressure Levels

Margin pressure levels isolate leveraged trading incentives in the market to identify key support and resistance.

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Risk:Reward Levels

Risk reward levels identify key support and resistance based on risk/reward trading incentives in the market.

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EZ Bands

The EZBands visually show the nature of an asset in regards to being oversold or overbought compared to where the market has recently been pricing said asset.

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Hi-Lo Scalping Tool

The Hi-Lo trend line tool is an objective way of drawing trend lines to identify hidden pivot levels.

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