Bitcoin BRC-20 Quick Guide

Bitcoin BRC-20 Quick Guide

BRC-20 Quick Guide | Published May 10, 2023

Note: This is simply a guide for those who are interested in investing in BRC-20 tokens, not recommendation to invest in BRC-20 tokens.

Resources Coingecko for BRC-20 tokens:

Bulk Inscriptions (Mint multiple times fast):

BRC-20 DEX (coming soon):

Smart BRC-20s (Dapps on Bitcoin):

Ordinals NFTs on Metamask:


Short for "Bitcoin Request for Comment," BRC-20 is an experimental framework for building fungible tokens on Bitcoin using Ordinals, the protocol that enables people to mint NFT-like assets on Bitcoin called inscriptions.

In short, you can think of BRC-20 tokens as fungible tokens that live on the Bitcoin network similar to how ERC-20 tokens live on the Ethereum network.

Create a Wallet 1) Go to and download the browser extension from the Chrome Web Store.

2) Select "Create New Wallet", enter a password, and confirm your password.

3) Save your secret recovery phrase somewhere safe, ideally a physical copy (not a word document connected to the cloud).

4) Under Address Type, click Taproot, and continue.

5) Copy your address "bc....." and deposit some BTC into your account

How to Buy BRC-20 Tokens

2) Click on the token you’d like to buy

3) Hit "Buy Now", confirm password.

4) Click "Buy Now" and confirm the transaction.

5) You can view your BRC-20 tokens here:

For the experimenters, you can create your own BRC-20 token here: