Trump NFTs: Mint Price or Lower
Donald Trump NFTs have been FUD’d for stealing copyrighted images off Google among other things.
As FUD increases and excitement dies down, we may see them drop to, or even below mint price.
Donald Trump is incentivized to keep them above the mint price so they do not become a ‘losing investment’.
Given that mint price was $99 and the max supply is 45k, keeping the total market cap above $4.5M should be very achievable.
There is obviously risk that Donald Trump tries to either ignore or disassociate himself with the NFT collection due to the developments around.
Even if this is the case, with an upcoming election cycle, it is hard to imagine this collection does not poke its head back above $4.5M a few times if it were to drop below.
The play:
Accumulate Donald Trump NFTs < ~$110. Look to flip right back out on any significant pumps (not a long-term hold).