

$RBX | https://rabbitx.io/ | Published Jan 29, 2024

Project: RabbitX

Website link: https://rabbitx.io/

Documentation: https://docs.rabbitx.io/

Analytics Dashboard: https://rabbitx.io/defi-perps-monitor

Token: $RBX

Coingecko: https://www.coingecko.com/en/coins/rabbitx

Twitter: https://twitter.com/rabbitx_io

Contract Address: 0x3ba925fdeae6b46d0bb4d424d829982cb2f7309e

Current Price: $0.15 ($150M FDV)

Overview: RabbitX is a decentralized derivatives exchange that uses Starknet’s layer 2 zk-rollup to process transactions without gas fees.

$RBX Thesis:

1) The DEX (product) itself is excellent. Great UI with all of the following features and advantages:

  • thick orderbook liquidity
  • no fees on limit orders
  • fast trade execution with 0 gas fees
  • excellent UI/UX and mobile app
  • no KYC or VPN required
  • Tier 1 investors (Sequoia, Mechanism, Multicoin, OKX, Crypto.com, etc.)

2) DEX vs CEX market share is increasing (0.92% 6 months ago compared to 3% now):


3) RabbitX has captured the 3rd highest market share among competitors and is in s trong trend upwards:


4) $RBX token staking and rev share has not yet begun, but is planned. RabbitX is doing more than 2x the trading volume of GMX, which has implemented revenue sharing tokenomics. $GMX trades at a FDV of $400M compared to $RBX at $150M, a factor of 2.67x.

Using GMXs value to volume multiple, $RBX could reasonably trade at $750M FDV, around 6x where it is now.

This is without assuming the overall DEX vs CEX market share will continue to increase and without assuming the RabbitX’s market share within the DEX category will continue to increase.

Where to buy $RBX

$RBX can be purchased on Uniswap with the contract address: 0x3ba925fdeae6b46d0bb4d424d829982cb2f7309e

Notes & Disclaimer

Obviously, if this bullish market rolls over, alt coins like $RBX will not fair well.

Please note that tokens like $RBX can regularly experience large drawdowns in price.